Remember My Little Pony? These are supposed to be the next generation of ponies for little girls to play with, supposed, because though I was able to find a link to the site which sells them I was unable to verify that Toys R Us is actually selling them.
Jezebel linked to a story about them:
These are "Strutz," new pony dolls coming to a big box discount retailer near you. Aren't they a curious combination of anorexic and cleavage-y? That is the first rule of selling toys to four year old girls: making them subtly slutty is never going to do the job. How are we supposed to get our little girls to play with Legos in the face of crap like this? Thanks to veteran State Department hairdo watcher Princess Sparkle Pony for tipping us off to this new brand of toy "whorses" young Condi's parents would have protected her from seeing. [Princess Sparkle Pony]
As I said, I am not 100% certain that these are meant to be real toys. But if they are real, they sure are scary, what with those high heels for the hooves, the make-up and the bag for all the shopping that ponies do. It's as if someone wants to train girls as both hookers and consumers of makeup and clothes. Well, those girls who don't suffocate on all the small pieces of jewelry at the age of four.