Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cheating the Government

An interesting bit of news about the Apple company:

Senate investigators accuse Apple of wiring together a complicated system to shield billions of dollars in international profits from both U.S. and foreign tax collectors.
A report released ahead of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s inaugural Capitol Hill appearance Tuesday alleges the tech giant took advantage of numerous U.S. tax loopholes and avoided U.S. taxes on $44 billion in offshore, taxable income between 2009 and 2012 — a characterization Apple flatly rejects.
That's like a whole lot of food stamp fraud, right?  It might even link to the conservative idea that far too many Americans aren't pulling their own weight but latching onto the teats of the government sow?  At least Apple has taken advantage of all the infrastructure of the various governments while attempting to avoid paying for any of it.