Pope Benedict has given a speech about Europe's need to stick to "her" Christian roots. Some snippets:
"Man needs to be liberated from material oppressions, but more profoundly, he must be saved from the evils that afflict the spirit," Benedict told the crowd from under a white canopy beside a 40-foot-high stainless steel cross. The German-born pope spoke in Italian, and his words were translated into Czech.
In his traditional Sunday Angelus blessing, Benedict urged the crowd not to forget their "rich heritage of faith."
"Maintain the spiritual patrimony inherited from your forebears ... guard it and make it answer to the needs of the present day," he said.
All that smell of manly aftershave might be the fault of the translation? Nope. I've stopped being so damn nice and always giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Pope Ratzi doesn't even see the other half of humankind. I bet he secretly thinks of "Christians and their wives," for example.
Still, those red shoes are cute.