Mwah to all of you.
Here's something to do today: A right-wing Hindu group, Sri Ram Sena, attacked Indian women in a pub one afternoon, in the name of taking care of that upholding-the-manners-and-culture business (which means pulling women by their hair and such, to keep things traditional and demure), and then:
A group of Indian women have started the awesomely-named Consortium of Pubgoing, Loose and Forward Women and launched a campaign to send pink panties, or chaddis, to Pramod Muthalik, leader of the Sri Ram Sena, in protest of his misogynist horseshit.
And, then, on Valentine's Day, women across the world are being encouraged to: "Go to a pub wherever you are. From Kabul to Chennai to Guwahati to Singapore to LA women have signed up. It does not matter if you are actually not a pub-goer or not even much of a drinker. Let us raise a toast (it can be juice) to Indian women. Take a photo or video. We will put it together (more on how later) and send this as well to the Sri Ram Sena."
Neat, eh?