Hmm. This is a neat way of writing a post without actually writing it, if you know what I mean. On the other hand, it's also a format which goes well with topics that I think deserve more attention but on which I'm no expert, ma'am/sir.
For instance, you can learn more about how habeas corpus is being investigated, as a possible terrorist. Then you can read about what happened to Nitra Gipson when she had "too much" money vouchers at Wal-Mart. Or you can read more about how unreliable web site visitor numbers and such are when politics gets fierce, from Ptarmigan Nest. By the way, it's not advisable to "freep" Internet polls. Neither do those polls measure actual public opinion even without freeping, as they are not based on proper samples of the public.
And here's a real unicorn. I swear.