Saturday, May 24, 2008

Have You Had Enough?

Of the sexism that seems to be all the rage among the political pundits these days? If not, watch some more below. If you no longer need convincing about its ubiquity and want to protest right now, click on this link and sign the attached petition.

What is the petition all about?


On May 23, The Women's Media Center, along with our partners at Media Matters, launched, "Sexism Sells, But We're Not Buying It," a new video and online petition campaign illustrating the pervasive nature of sexism in the media's coverage. While Hillary Clinton's campaign has cast a spotlight on the issue of sexism, this isn't a partisan issue: it's about making sure that women's voices are present and powerful in our national dialogue.

And due to popular demand, here, once again is the Political Boyz Choir on what fun sexism is. Especially among a team of just guys: