In an American political talkshow. Tweety (Chris Matthews) shows us the skill and objectivity that is required when he interviews Majority Leader John Boehner. They are talking about Hillary Clinton:
MATTHEWS: Is she a socialist?
BOEHNER: Uh, no. I've worked with her on a number of issues —
MATTHEWS: Well, on the issue of health care, is she a socialist?
BOEHNER: She would be to the left of most people I know.
MATTHEWS: But not a socialist?
BOEHNER: I wouldn't go that far.
MATTHEWS: You wouldn't go that far? What stops you?
BOEHNER: I don't like labeling of people.
MATTHEWS: You call her a liberal. You called it Hillarycare.
BOEHNER: I don't want to call her a socialist.
MATTHEWS: Could she carry Ohio in the general?
BOEHNER: I don't think so.
MATTHEWS: Who could beat her?
BOEHNER: Anybody.
MATTHEWS: Anybody. strong words. We'll be right back with House Majority Leader John Boehner. You can see this man's greatness.
Yet more proof of the difficulty for us irony-writers. How do you ridicule someone like Tweety? I need to stock up on nectar.