Friday, January 27, 2006

The Vegan Danger to America

This article talks about FBI surveillance of a vegan protest outside a store that sells hams. The ACLU of Georgia has obtained copies of the government files on one vegan, Caitlin Childs:

For example, more than two dozen government surveillance photographs show 22-year-old Caitlin Childs of Atlanta, a strict vegetarian, and other vegans picketing against meat eating, in December 2003. They staged their protest outside a HoneyBaked Ham store on Buford Highway in DeKalb County.

An undercover DeKalb County Homeland Security detective was assigned to conduct surveillance of the protest and the protestors, and take the photographs. The detective arrested Childs and another protester after he saw Childs approach him and write down, on a piece of paper, the license plate number of his unmarked government car.

The detective also wrote that Childs was "hostile, uncooperative and boisterous toward the officers." Those vegans!

Childs's picture was also in the files. Here she is protesting the ham store:

Don't you sleep safer now that you know what the government does to protect us?