Spring is Coming!
This is a Southern hemisphere garden, so it's not really a Spring garden. But it is lovely. My bulb gardens this May turned into squirrel buffets as usual. In return the squirrels plant a lot of horse chestnut trees around my small house. If you have seen a horse chestnut tree you know that it's very important to weed out the seedlings. Otherwise there will be no space for the car or the dogs or anything else.
I had a good April, though. Blue muscaris peeking from under the frothy hems of yellow forsythias. The bluest of blue scillas flowering everywhere! Now the scillas are rotting in the same places, and I can't cover up the rotting if I want the blue next year, too. What to do, what to do. Gardening consists almost totally of what-to-dos interspersed with moments of utter pain (poison ivy) and utter ecstasy (the scent of honeysuckles drifting above white rose garlands in a June night).
But I doubt the readers of this blog are into gardening. I think I will write about gardening when I turn into Olive the Omnivorous Ovary. She wants her own blog. She could always write about the delirious mating orgy that we usually call a flowerbed.