Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I'm Gonna Regret This!
Because I'm sending you off to my beautiful, handsome and brilliant feminist competition. The broadband installers are coming this afternoon, and I don't know if I can get a new post in until this evening. So I will offer some alternative suggestions, so good that you probably will never come back.
You already know about Alas, a Blog. And Shakespeare's Sister. I'm linking to her suggestions on what other blogs to tour, which makes this a meta-metapost. Included among her suggestions is pinko feminist hellcat's funny story, which I had picked anyway. So it gets recommended twice, once by me and once by the Sis. Weird, huh?
Then you can read about Kurdish women at Roxanne, and get to know the inimitable twistyfaster at I Blame the Patriarchy. Or become Amanda's fan and leave me for good... Or go to feministe and say goodbye, too. Or the Or Stone Court. Or Bitch PhD. Or...
See how I'm baring to you all my evil aspects? My envy and small-mindedness and desire to rule the roost all alone? It's awful, isn't it? And there is no end to the good competition...